Monday, August 29, 2011

Soul Food

If anyone has ever seen the movie "Soul Food", he/she will know that the movie is based on a traditional African-American family. The grandmother, "Big Mama", is the main character in the movie. She works to keep her family together while unknowingly battling cancer. The movie concludes with Big Mama dying, but her family forms a bond that could most certainly not be broke. I came to the quick realization that this movie reminded me a lot of my own grandmother and her conquet to unite our family.
Pulaski is a blink-and-you-miss-it town with a population capacity of 175 people. Growing up, I never quite got used to the boredom that it possessed. I used to frequently express my hate of the place, and I made the remark that I was going to leave and never come back. As a junior here at the University of Southern Mississippi, I find myself eating those words that I spoke ten years ago. Katie Merl King is my grandmother's name. Strong, kind-hearted, beautiful.. she was. As a mother of twelve, she tried her best to instill good moral values in her children and grandchildren. She was my backbone. She was my best friend. She was my role model. I lost my grandmother on August 4, 2011. It is a day that I will never forget. As she laid across the stretcher, I held her cold, fragile hand. A salty tear stung my lip, and I took a deep breath. My grandmother was gone.
I have spent 25 days without the comfort of her presense. Although I am sad, I am left with her blessing of my ambitions, dreams, and boyfriend. In addition, I have nine aunts and uncles who come together every Sunday to have dinner in memory of my grandmother. Katie Merl King was a outstanding lady. I love you grandma!!

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