Tuesday, September 27, 2011

An Amazing Feeling (:

I was sixteen years old when I first met Justin Gaines. He was an all-star running back at a high school not too far from mine. I was immediately attracted to him. Muscular, light-skinned, cute smile, small eyes. It was something about his presence, his style. I knew he was going to be something special. However, there was one small problem; He had a girlfriend!  Thereafter, I decided that I would not pursue anything more than a friendship with him.
Fast forward...3 years later...I'm sitting at the library chatting on Facebook when Justin puts up a status talking about playing football at a college in Oklahoma. This status brought back memories and the fact that I used to have a small crush on him. I immediately "liked" the status, and made a comment asking "When are you leaving?"  He responded, and it sparked an ongoing conversation. He inboxed me calling me "a stranger who did not know him anymore." I replied that I hadn't forgotten him, and he gave me his number. As the universal phrase goes, THAT'S ALL SHE WROTE! We have been inseperable every since that day.
Our love is one that cannot be described in words.
Once Justin and I made our relationship official, I began having wild, passionate daydreams and visions about us having sex. Keep in mind that I was certainly not a virgin by this time. I had encoutered a couple of previous sexual partners but nothing like him. He taught me the feeling of what sex is really supposed to feel like. Our first encounter took place at his house. When I arrived, he had decorated the room with scented candles, rose petals, and sweet chocolate candy. He took me by the hand and told me that I was the most beautiful girl in the world and that he was lucky to have me. He started kissing on my neck and made his way down to my thighs. I was so caught up in the moment. It simply took my breath away. He entered into my vagina, and it was the perfect fit, sort of like it belonged there. We made love for about an hour and a half, and Justin did what I thought was the impossible. I reached orgasm which was something I had never experienced before. Therefore, it was an amazing feeling, and I am so thankful for it. We have been dating for almost a year, and I truly feel as though Justin is "the one". He's absolutely incredible, and I thank the good Lord above for him each and every day.

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